Source code for bTagScript.block.url_blocks

from typing import Optional
from urllib.parse import quote, quote_plus, unquote, unquote_plus

from ..interface import verb_required_block
from ..interpreter import Context

[docs]class URLDecodeBlock(verb_required_block(True, payload=True)): """ This block will decode a given url into a string with non-url compliant characters replaced. Using ``+`` as the parameter will replace spaces with ``+`` rather than ``%20``. **Usage:** ``{urldecode(["+"]):<string>}`` **Payload:** string **Parameter:** "+", None **Examples:** .. tagscript:: {urldecode:covid-19%20sucks} covid-19 sucks {urldecode(+):im+stuck+at+home+writing+docs} im stuck at home writing docs This block is just the reverse of the urlencode block """ ACCEPTED_NAMES = ("urldecode",)
[docs] def process(self, ctx: Context) -> Optional[str]: """ Process the block """ method = unquote_plus if ctx.verb.parameter == "+" else unquote return method(ctx.verb.payload)
[docs]class URLEncodeBlock(verb_required_block(True, payload=True)): """ This block will encode a given string into a properly formatted url with non-url compliant characters replaced. Using ``+`` as the parameter will replace spaces with ``+`` rather than ``%20``. **Usage:** ``{urlencode(["+"]):<string>}`` **Payload:** string **Parameter:** "+", None **Example:** .. tagscript:: {urlencode:covid-19 sucks} covid-19%20sucks {urlencode(+):im stuck at home writing docs} im+stuck+at+home+writing+docs You can use this to search up blocks Eg if {args} is command block <{urlencode(+):{args}}&check_keywords=yes&area=default> <> """ ACCEPTED_NAMES = ("urlencode",)
[docs] def process(self, ctx: Context) -> str: method = quote_plus if ctx.verb.parameter == "+" else quote return method(ctx.verb.payload)