
All Block

class bTagScript.block.AllBlock[source]

Bases: VerbRequiredBlock

The all block checks that all of the passed expressions are true. Multiple expressions can be passed to the parameter by splitting them with |.

The payload is a required message that must be split by |. If the expression evaluates true, then the message before the | is returned, else the message after is returned.

Usage: {all(<expression|expression|...>):<message>}

Aliases: and

Payload: message

Parameter: expression


{all({args}>=100|{args}<=1000):You picked {args}.|You must provide a number between 100 and 1000.}
# if {args} is 52
You must provide a number between 100 and 1000.

# if {args} is 282
You picked 282.

Any Block

class bTagScript.block.AnyBlock[source]

Bases: VerbRequiredBlock

The any block checks that any of the passed expressions are true. Multiple expressions can be passed to the parameter by splitting them with |.

The payload is a required message that must be split by |. If the expression evaluates true, then the message before the | is returned, else the message after is returned.

Usage: {any(<expression|expression|...>):<message>}

Aliases: or

Payload: message

Parameter: expression


{any(hi=={args}|hello=={args}|heyy=={args}):Hello {user}!|How rude.}
If {args} is hi
Hello _Leg3ndary#0001!

If {args} is what's up!
How rude.

Assignment Block

Blacklist Block

class bTagScript.block.BlacklistBlock[source]

Bases: VerbRequiredBlock

The blacklist block will attempt to convert the given parameter into a channel or role, using name or ID. If the user running the tag is in the targeted channel or has the targeted role, the tag will stop processing and it will send the response if one is given. Multiple role or channel requirements can be given, and should be split by a “,”.

Usage: {blacklist(<role,channel>):[response]}

Payload: response

Parameter: role, channel


{blacklist(#support):This tag is not allowed in #support.}
{blacklist(Tag Blacklist, 668713062186090506):You are blacklisted from using tags.}

Break Block

class bTagScript.block.BreakBlock[source]

Bases: Block

The break block will force the tag output to only be the payload of this block, if the passed expresssion evaluates true. If no message is provided to the payload, the tag output will be empty.

This differs from the StopBlock as the stop block stops all tagscript processing and returns its message while the break block continues to process blocks. If command blocks exist after the break block, they will still execute.

Usage: {break(<expression>):[message]}

Aliases: short, shortcircuit

Payload: message

Parameter: expression


{break(=={args}):You did not provide any input.}

Command Block

class bTagScript.block.CommandBlock(limit: int = 3)[source]

Bases: VerbRequiredBlock

Run a command as if the tag invoker had ran it. Only 3 command blocks can be used in a tag.

Usage: {command:<command>}

Aliases: c, com, command

Payload: command

Parameter: None


# Invokes ping command

{c:ban {target(id)} Chatflood/spam}
# Invokes ban command on the pinged user with the reason as "Chatflood/spam"

Cooldown Block

class bTagScript.block.CooldownBlock[source]

Bases: VerbRequiredBlock

The cooldown block implements cooldowns when running a tag. The parameter requires 2 values to be passed: rate and per integers. The rate is the number of times the tag can be used every per seconds.

The payload requires a key value, which is the key used to store the cooldown. A key should be any string that is unique. If a channel’s ID is passed as a key, the tag’s cooldown will be enforced on that channel. Running the tag in a separate channel would have a different cooldown with the same rate and per values.

The payload also has an optional message value, which is the message to be sent when the cooldown is exceeded. If no message is passed, the default message will be sent instead. The cooldown message supports 2 blocks: key and retry_after.

Usage: {cooldown(<rate>|<per>):<key>|[message]}

Payload: key, message

Parameter: rate, per


the tag author used the tag more than once in 10 seconds
The bucket for 741074175875088424 has reached its cooldown. Retry in 3.25 seconds."

{cooldown(3|3):{channel(id)}|Slow down! This tag can only be used 3 times per 3 seconds per channel. Try again in **{retry_after}** seconds."}
the tag was used more than 3 times in 3 seconds in a channel
Slow down! This tag can only be used 3 times per 3 seconds per channel. Try again in **0.74** seconds.

Embed Block

class bTagScript.block.EmbedBlock[source]

Bases: Block

An embed block will send an embed in the tag response. There are two ways to use the embed block, either by using properly formatted embed JSON from an embed generator or manually inputting the accepted embed attributes.


Using JSON to create an embed offers complete embed customization. Multiple embed generators are available online to visualize and generate embed JSON.

Usage: {embed(<json>)}

Payload: None

Parameter: json

{embed({"title":"Hello!", "description":"This is a test embed."})}
    "title":"Here's a random duck!",


The following embed attributes can be set manually:

  • title

  • description

  • color

  • url

  • thumbnail

  • image

  • field - (See below)

Adding a field to an embed requires the payload to be split by |, into either 2 or 3 parts. The first part is the name of the field, the second is the text of the field, and the third optionally specifies whether the field should be inline.

Usage: {embed(<attribute>):<value>}

Payload: value

Parameter: attribute

{embed(description):Follow these rules to ensure a good experience in our server!}
{embed(field):Rule 1|Respect everyone you speak to.|false}

Both methods can be combined to create an embed in a tag. The following tagscript uses JSON to create an embed with fields and later set the embed title.

:: tagscript:

{embed({{"fields":[{"name":"Field 1","value":"field description","inline":false}]})}
{embed(title):my embed title}

If Block

class bTagScript.block.IfBlock[source]

Bases: VerbRequiredBlock

The if block returns a message based on the passed expression to the parameter. An expression is represented by two values compared with an operator.

The payload is a required message that must be split by |. If the expression evaluates true, then the message before the | is returned, else the message after is returned.

Expression Operators:








value 1 is equal to value 2




value 1 is not equal to value 2


greater than


value 1 is greater than value 2


less than


value 1 is less than value 2


greater than or equality


value 1 is greater than or equal to value 2


less than or equality


value 1 is less than or equal to value 2

Usage: {if(<expression>):<message>]}

Payload: message

Parameter: expression


{if(63=={args}):You guessed it! The number I was thinking of was 63!|Too {if({args}<63):low|high}, try again.}
If args is 63
You guessed it! The number I was thinking of was 63!

If args is 73
Too low, try again.

If args is 14
Too high, try again.

Loose Variable Block

class bTagScript.block.LooseVariableGetterBlock[source]

Bases: Block

The loose variable block represents the adapters for any seeded or defined variables. This variable implementation is considered “loose” since it checks whether the variable is valid during process(), rather than will_accept(). You may also define variables here with {$<variable name>:<value>}

Usage: {<variable_name>([parameter]):[payload]}

Aliases: This block is valid for any inputted declaration.

Payload: Depends on the variable’s underlying adapter.

Parameter: Depends on the variable’s underlying adapter.


{=(example):This is my variable.}
This is my variable.

{$variablename:This is another variable.}
This is another variable.

Math Block

class bTagScript.block.MathBlock[source]

Bases: Block

A math block is a block that contains a math expression. Will write out everything later bleh

Usage: {math:<expression>}

Aliases: math, m, +, calc

Payload: expression

Parameter: None





Override Block

class bTagScript.block.OverrideBlock[source]

Bases: Block

Override a command’s permission requirements. This can override mod, admin, or general user permission requirements when running commands with the Command Block. Passing no parameter will default to overriding all permissions.

In order to add a tag with the override block, the tag author must have Manage Server permissions.

This will not override bot owner commands or command checks.

Usage: {override(["admin"|"mod"|"permissions"]):[command]}

Aliases: bypass

Payload: command

Parameter: "admin", "mod", "permissions"


overrides all commands and permissions

overrides commands that require the admin role

overrides commands that require the mod role or have user permission requirements

Random Block

class bTagScript.block.RandomBlock[source]

Bases: VerbRequiredBlock

Pick a random item from a list of strings, split by either ~ or ,. An optional seed can be provided to the parameter to always choose the same item when using that seed. You can weight options differently by adding a weight and | before the item.

Usage: {random([seed]):<list>}

Aliases: #, rand

Payload: list

Parameter: seed


{random:Carl,Harold,Josh} attempts to pick the lock!
Possible Outputs:
Josh attempts to pick the lock!
Carl attempts to pick the lock!
Harold attempts to pick the lock!

{=(insults):You're so ugly that you went to the salon and it took 3 hours just to get an estimate.~I'll never forget the first time we met, although I'll keep trying.~You look like a before picture.}
Assigns a random insult to the insult variable

5 to 3 chances of being cool vs lame

Range Block

class bTagScript.block.RangeBlock[source]

Bases: VerbRequiredBlock

The range block picks a random number from a range of numbers seperated by -. The number range is inclusive, so it can pick the starting/ending number as well. Using the rangef block will pick a number to the tenth decimal place.

An optional seed can be provided to the parameter to always choose the same item when using that seed.

Usage: {range([seed]):<lowest-highest>}

Aliases: rangef

Payload: number

Parameter: seed


Your lucky number is {range:10-30}!
Your lucky number is 14!
Your lucky number is 25!

I am guessing your height is {height}ft.
I am guessing your height is 5.3ft.

Redirect Block

class bTagScript.block.RedirectBlock[source]

Bases: VerbRequiredBlock

Redirects the tag response to either the given channel, the author’s DMs, or uses a reply based on what is passed to the parameter.

Usage: {redirect(<"dm"|"reply"|channel>)}

Payload: None

Parameter: "dm", "reply", "channel"



Replace Block

class bTagScript.block.ReplaceBlock[source]

Bases: VerbRequiredBlock

The replace block will replace specific characters in a string. The parameter should split by a ,, containing the characters to find before the command and the replacements after.

Usage: {replace(<original,new>):<message>}

Aliases: sub

Payload: message

Parameter: original, new

{replace(o,i):welcome to the server}
welcime ti the server

if {args} is 1637812

{replace(, ):Test}
T e s t

Require Block

class bTagScript.block.RequireBlock[source]

Bases: VerbRequiredBlock

The require block will attempt to convert the given parameter into a channel role or member, using name or ID. If the user running the tag is not in the targeted channel or doesn’t have the targeted role, the tag will stop processing and it will send the response if one is given. Multiple role or channel requirements can be given, and should be split by a “,”.

Usage: {require(<role, channel, member>):[response]}

Aliases: whitelist

Payload: response

Parameter: role, channel, member


{require(#general, #bot-cmds):This tag can only be run in #general and #bot-cmds.}
{require(757425366209134764, 668713062186090506, 737961895356792882):You aren't allowed to use this tag.}

ShortCutRedirect Block

STRF Block

class bTagScript.block.StrfBlock[source]

Bases: Block

The strf block converts and formats timestamps based on strftime formatting spec. Two types of timestamps are supported: ISO and epoch. If a timestamp isn’t passed, the current UTC time is used.

Invoking this block with Unix Specific Services will return the current Unix timestamp.

Usage: {strf([timestamp]):<format>}

Aliases: unix

Payload: format

Parameter: timestamp



Fri Jun 29 21:10:28 2018

{strf(1420070400):%A %d, %B %Y}
Thursday 01, January 2015

{strf(2019-10-09T01:45:00.805000):%H:%M %d-%B-%Y}
01:45 09-October-2019


Strict Variable Block

class bTagScript.block.StrictVariableGetterBlock[source]

Bases: Block

The strict variable block represents the adapters for any seeded or defined variables. This variable implementation is considered “strict” since it checks whether the variable is valid during will_accept() and is only processed if the declaration refers to a valid variable.

Usage: {<variable_name>([parameter]):[payload]}

Aliases: This block is valid for any variable name in Response.variables.

Payload: Depends on the variable’s underlying adapter.

Parameter: Depends on the variable’s underlying adapter.


{=(example):This is my variable.}
This is my variable.

URL Encode Block

class bTagScript.block.URLEncodeBlock[source]

Bases: VerbRequiredBlock

This block will encode a given string into a properly formatted url with non-url compliant characters replaced. Using + as the parameter will replace spaces with + rather than %20.

Usage: {urlencode(["+"]):<string>}

Payload: string

Parameter: “+”, None


{urlencode:covid-19 sucks}

{urlencode(+):im stuck at home writing docs}

You can use this to search up blocks
Eg if {args} is command block


URL Decode Block

class bTagScript.block.URLDecodeBlock[source]

Bases: VerbRequiredBlock

This block will decode a given url into a string with non-url compliant characters replaced. Using + as the parameter will replace spaces with + rather than %20.

Usage: {urldecode(["+"]):<string>}

Payload: string

Parameter: “+”, None


covid-19 sucks

im stuck at home writing docs

This block is just the reverse of the urlencode block

Length Block

class bTagScript.block.LengthBlock[source]

Bases: VerbRequiredBlock

The length block will check the length of the given String. If a parameter is passed in, the block will check the length based on what you passed in, w for word, s for spaces. If you provide an invalid parameter, the block will return -1.

Usage: {length(["w", "s"]):<text>}

Aliases: len

Payload: text

Parameter: "w", "s"


{len(w):Tag Script}

{len(s):Hello World, Tag, Script}

{len(space):Hello World, Tag, Script}

Count Block

class bTagScript.block.CountBlock[source]

Bases: VerbRequiredBlock

The count block will count how much of text is in message. This is case sensitive and will include substrings, if you don’t provide a parameter, it will count the spaces in the message.

Usage: {count([text]):<message>}

Aliases: None

Payload: message

Parameter: text


{count(Tag):Tag Script TagScript}

{count(t):Hello World, Tag, Script}
1 as there's only one lowercase t in the entire string

Comment Block

class bTagScript.block.CommentBlock[source]

Bases: Block

The comment block is literally just for comments, it will not be parsed, however it will be removed from your codes output.

Usage: {comment([other]):[text]}

Aliases: /, Comment, comment, //

Payload: text

Parameter: other



OrdinalAbbreviation Block

class bTagScript.block.OrdinalAbbreviationBlock[source]

Bases: Block

The ordinalabbreviation block returns the ordinal abbreviation of a number. If a parameter is provided, it must be, one of, c, comma, indicator, i Comma being adding commas every 3 digits, indicator, meaning the ordinal indicator. (The st of 1st, nd of 2nd, etc.)

The number may be positive or negative, if the payload is invalid, -1 is returned.

Usage: {ord(["c", "comma", "i", "indicator"]):<number>}

Aliases: None

Payload: number

Parameter: "c", "comma", "i", "indicator"




Debug Block

class bTagScript.block.DebugBlock[source]

Bases: Block

The debug block allows you to debug your tagscript quickly and easily, it will save the output to the debug_var key in the response dict. Separate the variables you want to include or exclude with a comma or a tilde.

If no parameters are provided in addition to no payload, all variables will be included. If no parameters are provided and a payload is provided, it will assume you want to include those variables.

Usage: {debug(["i", "include", "e", "exclude"]):<variables>}

Aliases: None

Payload: variables

Parameter: "i", "include", "e", "exclude"


{debug} is the same as {debug(exclude):}

{debug:somevar~anothervar} is the same as {debug(include):somevar~anothervar}




Assuming we have the following tagscript, we first set the var something, then set
parsed (using the dollar sign method), to Hello|World, (assume we actually wanted just the Hello
but we forgot)


Running this would provided the output Bye, using the debug block below:
We'll get all the variables at their, "final state"
This will be provided in a dict, which you can further parse and output to your liking.

EG, in YAML format:
something: Hello/World
parsed: Hello/World

This allow's you to see that you forgot to parse with a delimiter which will lead to easy fixing.