Source code for bTagScript.block.util_blocks.debug_block

from typing import Optional

from ...interface import Block
from ...interpreter import Context

[docs]class DebugBlock(Block): """ The debug block allows you to debug your tagscript quickly and easily, it will save the output to the debug_var key in the response dict. Separate the variables you want to include or exclude with a comma or a tilde. If no parameters are provided in addition to no payload, all variables will be included. If no parameters are provided and a payload is provided, it will assume you want to include those variables. **Usage:** ``{debug(["i", "include", "e", "exclude"]):<variables>}`` **Aliases:** ``None`` **Payload:** ``variables`` **Parameter:** ``"i", "include", "e", "exclude"`` .. note:: {debug} is the same as {debug(exclude):} {debug:somevar~anothervar} is the same as {debug(include):somevar~anothervar} **Examples:** .. note:: THIS SHOULD ALWAYS BE PLACED AT THE VERY BOTTOM, IT WILL NOT RETURN ANYTHING UNDER IT. .. tagscript:: Assuming we have the following tagscript, we first set the var something, then set parsed (using the dollar sign method), to Hello|World, (assume we actually wanted just the Hello but we forgot) {=(something):Hello/World} {$parsed:{something(1)}} {if({parsed}==Hello):Hello|Bye} Running this would provided the output Bye, using the debug block below: {debug} We'll get all the variables at their, "final state" This will be provided in a dict, which you can further parse and output to your liking. EG, in YAML format: something: Hello/World parsed: Hello/World This allow's you to see that you forgot to parse with a delimiter which will lead to easy fixing. """ ACCEPTED_NAMES = ("debug",)
[docs] def process(self, ctx: Context) -> Optional[str]: # pylint: disable=too-many-branches """ Debug the tagscript! """ debug = {} if ctx.verb.parameter: if ctx.verb.parameter in ("e", "exc", "exclude"): if ctx.verb.payload: if "~" in ctx.verb.payload: exclude = ctx.verb.payload.split("~") else: exclude = ctx.verb.payload.split(",") for k, v in ctx.response.variables.items(): if k not in exclude: debug[k] = v.get_value(ctx.verb) else: return None elif ctx.verb.parameter in ("i", "inc", "include"): if ctx.verb.payload: if "~" in ctx.verb.payload: include = ctx.verb.payload.split("~") else: include = ctx.verb.payload.split(",") for k, v in ctx.response.variables.items(): if k in include: debug[k] = v.get_value(ctx.verb) else: return None elif ctx.verb.payload: if "~" in ctx.verb.payload: include = ctx.verb.payload.split("~") else: include = ctx.verb.payload.split(",") for k, v in ctx.response.variables.items(): if k in include: debug[k] = v.get_value(ctx.verb) else: for k, v in ctx.response.variables.items(): debug[k] = v.get_value(ctx.verb) ctx.response.extras["debug"] = debug return ""